Minggu, 08 April 2012

When I make a worksheet

After I tried making a worksheet in UET class yesterday, I have many ideas to make interesting worksheet for students.   Before that, when I made a worksheet I just write a question or problems that related with topic at the time. I did not show the figure or graph that can help students to understand the problems in the worksheet. Like my worksheet beside, it was show the figure that there are in daily life. That is show if the trigonometry is useful in daily life to calculate the high or length of the ladder.  But my instruction in that worksheet is not really clear and just a simple one. The question that I use in worksheet beside is not really problems in daily life that was just like calculate the high of the triangle. After I shared and seen my friend’s worksheet, I got many information again about making a worksheet. I can use the problems I daily lives like go to the market and buying something.  That is can guide students to think that the problems there are in daily life and we can use mathematics concept to solved that. And below I show the new worksheet about Pythagorean theorem.  I try to use a story to tell students the problems in the worksheet. and students should find the solution. In addition in the worksheet above are not the space for students to write the solution of the problems. For making simple I give students space in the paper of the worksheet so they can write their solution.

Name    : ___________________________                      Date      : ____________
Class      : ___________________________
Ladder Problems

Joni and Johan were twins who like doing anything together. One day they want to paint a tower so they need a ladder. As the father, Mr. John wanted to buy two ladders for them. But, at the market, the price of a single ladder is very expensive and Mr. John could only buy one ladder because Mr. John has not enough money. Therefore, so Joni and Johan can Paint the tower together Mr. John bought a ladder and make the same ladder at home.
The Ladder is like the figure beside. The length of the spacing between rung of the ladder is 30 centimeter and the distance of the bottom rung with the rear pole is 1 meter. Mr. John could not measure the rear pole of the ladder because are too high, in the figure showed by white arrow. Can you help Mr. John to calculate the measure of the rear pole using Pythagoras Theorem that have we learned? Please explain your answer!

answer :

By: Luh Putu Ariasih

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