Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Zero & One in an amusement tangent (comic version)

Hey, everybody..
We, Jenni and I (lia) proudly present our work with the titlle "Zero and One in an amusement tangent (comic version)" adopted from the original source Zero and one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owiplctOx84)

Check this out:)

To prevent any plagiarism, we tried to make some improvement whether it is in the dialog or in the story itself. Hehehe,,
Actually, this is the first time for us creating this kind of task. It's a little bit hard to make it perfect and truly like as a real comic, but we always tried to positive thinking that everybody will be satisfied with our work and enjoy reading it entirely:)
Happy reading all.....:)

Himmatul 'Aliyah (2010110030)
Jenni Farida        (2010110003)

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