Rabu, 23 Mei 2012


One day in Number Villa. There is two numbers. The one is the big number and other one is the thin number. They introduce each self. “Hay, my name is zero. I am nothing in the world. I don’t have reason to life a long time” said the thin number. The big number also introduces her self. “Hay, my name is one. Why you look very sad and why you said like that?”
Zero answer the one question while she is crying “hik.. hik.. Because if I add with other number like two, three or etc. I still do not exist. Hik... hik. Then when I multiple with other number. I am also does not exist”.
Because of the big number is very sad, so the thin number give motivation to him. He says that “don’t sad, zero. You are the part of whole number and integer number. You still have me. We can be family zero”
Zero is sadder. She says again “there is no one loves me, everyone hates me. Hik.. hik..”
One still gives motivation to Zero. She says again “I don’t hate you, I love you zero. You can be the part of our family”.
After few minutes, Zero asks to One “Are you sure. We can be family?’
“Of course Zero. From now we are family.” Said One. And they are hugging each other.
So finally Zero and One life together and they are always happy.

By : Septy Cartika Sari (2010110036)

3D Shapes Song

I want to learn 3D shapes
’re cube, prism, cylinder
cube has 6 sides of rectangular
cube has 8 vertexes

cylinder has upper sides and also the base
of circle
prism bounded by two side are parallel congruent
oh 3D Shapes
A beauty of mathematics
many shapes all around
we can counting
about volume and surface area

Created By
- Septy Cartika Sari
- Luh Putu Ariasih
-Himatul Aliyah
- Jenni Farida

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Earth Day Event

Earth day is one of the school events that held annually every March. One of the purposes of this event is to realize a sense of caring citizen of the school such as students, teacher, staff officer and parent to aware on earth. The theme of this event in this year is Consume, Aware and Tribute. After we use and consume everything from earth like food, electricity, oil, water and something like that, we should be aware and give something for our earth.  Because of that, we should be tribute something for earth by saving energy and reusing recyclable material. Besides that, in this event can be start from reuse activity that will invite parents, teacher, office staff and students to make recyclable material will be something useful. They will be work in-group consists of five students with their parent and one teacher or one office staff, each group minimal consists of ten peoples. After they do something useful from recyclable material, all group doing campaign in around school begin form school walk to the mayor officer and back to school again.  During the campaign each group bring their something useful that they needs before. After campaign, in school still there are games that related with concept of theme of this event.  Further information regarding this event we can see in a poster taped in the announcement board.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Zero and One

 There are two boys having talk in one of the room in Number Villa. They is Zero and One. Zero is feeling useless in family number. If he is adding with other number like one, two, and three and so on, the result is still that number not influence with him. Every number if multiple with him the result always zero.  Moreover, if every number divided by him then the result of course does not exist.  He said that if he is no reason to life. Because of that, he is very sad and crying. As the friends One, try to make cheer up his friends.
 After one hour ago, Number one said that if Number Zero also useful in Family Number, without Zero there will never be Number One hundred or two thousands.  Nevertheless, Zero still crying and said if number One always the best and everybody like him.  Number one also told to the Zero if number one always alone.  Zero said if he also alone and One said if they actually will not alone if they are always together. After Zero hear what One said he is smile and hugging One. After that moment, Zero aware if he has reason to life and he is not alone, he is has One as a friends. 

By: Luh Putu Ariasih

Number Zero and Mr. One

One day, on the high building there was Number Zero. He looked so sad. Suddenly, he jumped from that building. Immediately, the ambulance rent him to the hospital. After a few hours Mr. One as a doctor came. He asked to number zero “Is there any problem?” and Number Zero said that he has a mathematics problem. After that, Number Zero told about his feeling. He said that he was nothing and he was not important thing, not like Mr. One because everyone wanted to be number-one. Immediately, Mr. One told to Number One “It is not true. Number one you have a something special, you mean something. You are the meeting point between x and y axis. We mean nothing without you. You never know about me. Actually, I am lonely in the word, because I am one.” After Mr. One told her feeling, number one felt that he is not alone. Every number has a special quality. He forgot that he is special like the other numbers. The last, Number One say thank you to Mr. One, and they were hugging each other.

Nurvika Putriyana

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Zero and one in an amusing tangent

            Once upon a time, there was a police that suddenly got a call from the Numberville apartment security officer. He told to the police that there was a number who was later known as zero will commit suicide by leaping from the upstairs apartment. The police still looked so curious and then asked to the security officer of what the reason behind that motivated zero took action like that. Shortly after that, the security officer told to the police that the reason is because zero has some problems in mathematics. The police looked so curious yet, but he didn’t want to spend any longer time by investigating the security officer only. In the meanwhile, he asked to his friend to send the wise number one out to the location where the incident took place because he thought that number one is expert enough to handle such things happen.
            10 minutes later, the wise number one arrived in the location where zero will commit suicide. Zero get shocked after knowing the number one behind him all of sudden. But, on the other hand the number one didn’t respond anything and just considered it as nothing happen. Shortly after that, the number one came closer to zero and asked about what problems happen to him actually. Without thinking twice, zero shared his problem to the number one in detail with no hesitation. He told that he got a lot of pain in mathematics. He blamed on his fate being number zero and felt like he is nothing because nobody wants to be with him. He said to the number one “you know right, whenever I tried to add myself in any group, they just stand up leaving me behind. Whenever I tried to get close with someone, I found that they just finally disappear. I’m really desperate having this kind of life and I think that I have no reason to live anymore. So, what? I’m definitely true with not existing and now I’m just going to kill myself.
            Suddenly, the number one shouted very loudly to zero to stop doing the silly thing at the moment. Zero stood directly paused and at the same time the number one seemed to be compassionately against zero’s story for just a moment. Later, he tried to break down some zero’s argument that consider himself as nobody that adequate to be proud of and definitely true with not existing. He convinced zero that he’s just the absence and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Furthermore, the number one added some statements to the zero “you should be proud of being zero”. As known that some numbers are likely confused with their positions. Sometimes they turned to be negative and on the other time turned to be rational and then turned down right at. Don’t you think that you meant something? Without you there will no decimal point. You are special and persistently you have a crucial role to act as a place holder in a number line. You have to be confident. Everybody needs you, zero”.
            On the other hand, zero still cannot 100 % believe in what the number one said to him. He still eager resisted against the number one’s opinion and said “where do you know it is true, Mr. popular? Do you lie to me? Don’t you remember that you are the number one? You are loved by anyone, you are better than I am and I think you could never understand about my pain”. Suddenly, the number one looked so sad. He explained to zero that he could understand his pain very well because he also has the similar problem with zero. The number one talked to zero “Do you ever know how to be the lowliest and loneliest number? You may argue that I’m perfect number than anyone wants to get the number one. But, you don’t know that being number one is the saddest experience you will ever know. One is the lowliest and loneliest number you will ever do and it is always much worse than two, three, four and etc. So, can you also understand how much pain that I felt?”
            At the moment, zero immediately embraced the number one. But, what happen after that? The number one just disappear all of sudden. Zero forgot that he has not to do that. Zero felt remorseful and finally end its life by leaping from the upstairs apartment. 

Himmatul 'Aliyah

Zero & One in an amusement tangent (comic version)

Hey, everybody..
We, Jenni and I (lia) proudly present our work with the titlle "Zero and One in an amusement tangent (comic version)" adopted from the original source Zero and one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owiplctOx84)

Check this out:)

To prevent any plagiarism, we tried to make some improvement whether it is in the dialog or in the story itself. Hehehe,,
Actually, this is the first time for us creating this kind of task. It's a little bit hard to make it perfect and truly like as a real comic, but we always tried to positive thinking that everybody will be satisfied with our work and enjoy reading it entirely:)
Happy reading all.....:)

Himmatul 'Aliyah (2010110030)
Jenni Farida        (2010110003)