Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Zero and One

 There are two boys having talk in one of the room in Number Villa. They is Zero and One. Zero is feeling useless in family number. If he is adding with other number like one, two, and three and so on, the result is still that number not influence with him. Every number if multiple with him the result always zero.  Moreover, if every number divided by him then the result of course does not exist.  He said that if he is no reason to life. Because of that, he is very sad and crying. As the friends One, try to make cheer up his friends.
 After one hour ago, Number one said that if Number Zero also useful in Family Number, without Zero there will never be Number One hundred or two thousands.  Nevertheless, Zero still crying and said if number One always the best and everybody like him.  Number one also told to the Zero if number one always alone.  Zero said if he also alone and One said if they actually will not alone if they are always together. After Zero hear what One said he is smile and hugging One. After that moment, Zero aware if he has reason to life and he is not alone, he is has One as a friends. 

By: Luh Putu Ariasih

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