Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Mathematic in My Own Mind

I don’t know how to start my story, but I will try to write my story.My story start from one word. It is Mathematics. Why should it be Mathematics? Because, I thought that many people in the world know Math. Especially about Math is one of the difficult lessons and the stereotype of Math is like a monster for some people in the world. Do you agree about that?
Math is one of the difficult lessons and like a monster. I agree about that. Why Math like a monster? For me the causes are many symbols, calculation, difficult to remember the formula of Math, never get A, and also difficult to find the solution of Math problems. I dislike Math. Because I know  that a Mathematics student must have special brain, smart in math, can find the solution of Math problems. And I don’t have all criteria. Actually I’m very sad, because I’m not smart in math, and also I don’t have special brain. It is all about Mathematic in my own mind in the past before a miracle came to me.
One day a miracle come to me when I was in senior high school. That is a conviction about my big dream after graduated from senior high school. I want to become a math teacher in the future. I don’t know why. But, I still trying to reach my dream. So, I’m a Mathematics student in Sampoerna School of Education now. And I will become a Math teacher in the future.
I have been studying hard to reach my big dream at Sampoerna School of Education. I trying to change my stereotype of math are difficult or like a monster, remember the formula of Math, and I trying to solve problem. Althought in my journey there is a lot obstacles and problems. But I know that will never problems without solutions. So if I have problems of math, let’s try to find the solutions. Don’t forget something difficult will become easy if we think those problems are easy.
            Finally, the miracle makes me to choose the Math. Since today until later, I knew my big dream, I like Math, I will become a Math teacher, and change the stereotype of math like a monster to become like a angel.^_^         

Siti luthfah

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