Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Math Autobiography

Basically, I did not like math. I like math at started from high school. My real memories of math were may be is not as beautiful as with other subjects. When I was Elementary School and Junior High School, maybe I am one of a man that not has skill in math. I did not know why but every time when I was learn math in school I always wanted to finish the class because I was so scared.
I am very scared when there was teacher give me question or assignment that related with math. If there was homework of math, then I always need aid to help me. I feel all the things that related with math it can make me confused. My days always boring because of math. So that way in the end of my Junior high school graduates, I got bad mark in math national exam.
When I was in high school, I always wish not to find with math but it was just my dream. I was trying to love math. However, each test of math, I always got enough score. So, one day my math teacher high school said to me “mathematics is mother of sciences”.  From these words, it means that if want good lesson in other subjects like physic, biology, chemistry, etc. We should be nice once in a math.
At the time, I decide to myself that I must to love math. Many ways that I did to love math, started from I join in math Olympiad extracurricular and then one hour every days I must to learn math. So in the end of high school graduation, I got a very satisfactory value for mathematics courses.
As recently as September 2010, I decide in math for my junior college. I did not know why, but you must know that mathematics is not abstract subject but mathematics is the way you think. 

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