Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

My Little Story of Math

1.      When I Really Love (like) Math?
As a student, I often fell confuse about math and often I really have big spirit to learn math. A situation which I really like to grasp all material of math is when I can understand well about a material of math. Then, I can solve and finish well my assignments related with the material. At the end I can get very good result of the assignment. That situation is situation which I really have very big spirit to learn math and learn more, practice more about math.
2.      When I Really Hate Math?
While I choose math as my major, but as a student, sometimes I feel confuse and bored with math. When I feel that and hate it so much, I ever don’t want to touch anything about math. Whatever to learn, read, practice or remover it. That situation occurs when I don’t understand the material well. It affects to me, and I can’t solve or finish my assignment related with the material. at the end, I get bad result and bad understanding about that. This situation makes me be so confused and hate math so much.
3.      How I improve my self when I hate Math?
When I feel confuse and bored with math, it’s time to me to rebuild again and review about last material which I haven’t understood it. I will ask to my friends to explain the gloomy material. I will re-write the material and ask my friends to guide me in practicing some problems and exercises. If it runs well and I can solve the problems well, it can change my mood.  
4.       Why I choose Math as My Major?
Math, believe or not believe it’s one of most important course in all grade. From low level grade until high level grade, from kindergarten level until university level. Almost all subject relates with math, so math is the most important subject in life.
As we know that math is important course, but there are still so many students feel difficult in studying math. They say that math is difficult and they can’t understand math material well, then they can’t do and finish the assignments well. It makes them so confuse and the big problems is they will hate math so much. Whereas math is important and vital subject in education.
So, from that fact, I want to study math and learn how to tell math to them well.
5.      Conclusion
In conclusion, as a student sometimes I really love math so much.  But in some situation, I hate math also. The most important this must be marked is don’t stop to explore your self and never give up when you get problems, because God won’t make problem without its solution.

                               A Fikri Al Fattah - 2010110034

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