Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

I Love Math When Fifth Level-Diyanta Wiga Pratama-2010110044

I Love Math When Fifth Level

I ‘m still remembered at elementary school SDN dompyongan 5 Klaten Central Java that my parents took first education for me. In there I stay with my grandparents. I was so stupid about mathematics. I was underdog in my class, because I’m so lazy to study exactly no body have to teach me. I always got bad scores. So, my father has planned to take me to Jakarta, its fifth grade.
SDN Harapan Baru II, yes it’s my new elementary school at Bekasi. In first caturwulan I’m still underdog at my new class. But after that news, my father so shock. So he decided to teach me the math course at home. Every day and every night after back from his work, my father teaches me with patient and angry. He forces teach me when I lazy and still miss understood about mathematics concept. Day by day, and come result of II caturwulan. Oh my god, I so don’t believe, I got 10th grade in my class. After that came III caturwulan, I had improved with got 5th grade. Transferred to 6th level, my father doesn’t stop to teach me and always see me when I study by self. In this class that I can prove my parents that I can study hard. Everyday I’m study hard with my friend or often study by self. Alloh always see that his slave have hard work. Syukur Alhamdulillah in II semester I got 2rd grade. It is making me so shock and my parents too. From this situation, I’m so aware that I’m so love with math, and MIPA. After II semester, I always study hard and not uncommon to help my friends to understand the topic and solve the problem also.
Transferred from elementary to junior high school, I took SMPN 3 Bekasi. Because study hard and always pray, in Math, Physic and Biologist I’m among the best students. In 7th, 8th and 9th grade I still help my friends to solve the problem and explain the concepts.
Transferred to senior high school, I took SMAN 4 Bekasi. I’m so poorly, because I didn’t want in there, I want at SMAN 1 Bekasi, but my father said in there so far, ok.
First day I’m so happy because I have new friends, and so many they’re so kind and humorous. About math, yes I’m still ok and good. In I semester, I’m always got 100 when we have test and I got 3rd grade in this class. But in second semester, my achievement so bad. Maybe now I don’t study hard, because the schedule so full and very messy, especially since a lot of play, it gets a rich friend and very associate. So I’m influence for lazy to study. Fortunately I have good friend, his name is Ali. Ali is always devised me to keep spirit of learning. Yes I’m study hard, but now I still got bad score. In second semester, I got 13th grade.
Transferred to second semester, I decided to take Science Program because I hate social program, actually the course. Hem, in this grade I have new friends and my class we call XI IPA 3. They are average is smart, with this I wish in the class will be have good competition. In this class to, my chair mate is Ali that become my best friends. Huh, it’s too difficult to collapse them. In 1st semester I got 20th grade from 40 students. I think in this class that has hard competition. Beside I had study hard with Ali, but Ali got 2rd grade, Wow he so smart. In second semester I have improvement, I got 16th grade. This is the fact that I’m always study every night. And I’m so conscious that my friends good and have hard study than me. Therefore I promised to study hard than last class in 3rg level high school. In my school program didn’t change students that we have 3rd level, so I have my last friends to support our self to able pass the UAN and get University that we want.
Realized not for competition but I’m focus on UAN. I was focus to study and recall all topics from 1st level until 3rd level. In 1st semester I had improvement, I got 12th grade with good score. My score greater than 78, especially math I got score 85, wow. Day by day, we always study hard to force the UAN. We Begin with a prayer together to pass along until study hard together in school and friend house every day. The day to get UAN coming, we always come early morning to discuss together about topic that difficult and it’s we always do every morning before we get the test. Day by day, and the result of UAN coming, Alhamdulillah we of all us can pass it and I got score the average 55, 65 from 6 course. Actually math I got 9.8, Alhamdulillah.
After I graduated from high school I decide to continue at STAN, but twice I try it no one I can pass it, Hiks, Hiks, Hiks. Then for two years I decided to work and teach in an institution. But in the second year after I graduated, Alhamdulillah I can pass the Objective of SIMAK UI and I stay there for 1 year. I take IT major in there. But because some of the considerations and constraints I decided to take the SSE. Where I feel comfortable and love for this profession. The professionalism of teachers, we hold to progress this country.

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