Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Instruction-Project Mathematics

Statistics Project

Summary: (Indirect Instruction)
This project must be visualized by poster which includes about one measurement of students’ height or weight or others. They get the data with measure of those components in the school with their group. Then they convert the data into diagram stick or path or pie or others.

Requirements: (Indirect Instruction)
·         Data of students’ height or weight or others which they search in the school (in table form)
·         Diagram which they convert from the data. Diagram can be diagram stick or path or others
·         Mean, Median and Mode from the data
·         Conclusion (interpretation) from the diagram

Presentation Roles: (Indirect Instruction)
1.      Every group has 10 minutes to present the product
2.      Others group are allowed to give question to group which present in the class
3.      All group can give feedback to group which present the product
4.      Teacher will explain you about rubric of presentation and poster

Explaining the Project: (Direct Instruction)
·         “After you’re in your group, I will explain you about our project for this course”
·         “Your group will make a product that present the material of statistic”
·         “The product could be a poster that contain the data students’ height or weight or others”
·         “After you get the data, then you convert it into diagram pie or path or stick or others”
·         “Then you calculate the mean, median and mode from the data and put it on your poster”
·         “Make your poster be creative as well as you can”
·         “You should finish it on time and present it in the next session with your group”

Grouping: (Direct Instruction)
·         “Students, Please all of you take one of these colorful paper”
·         “Gather with your friends whose same color with your paper”

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