Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Math Autobiography

by: Dyah Ayu Setyani

I began to like mathematics when I studied in junior high school. That is better than I never like it. Some of my friends said if mathematics it so difficult. But I think that is did not worst too much. I like mathematics because by this course, I can think logically. I did not need to remember some sentences or anything else. But event I like mathematics, I am cannot mastering some branches and some material of course. Just say about trigonometry and all about circle. I cannot remember anything about sinus, cosinus and tangent. It's difficult for me. I always try to learn it, but the result is nothing. No one material about it that I get. Sure, I try to improve it until now.

After  I went up to 9th grade I had my favorite teacher. His name is Mr. Ismanto. The smartest mathemtics teacher is in my school. He always ask all student to exercise our ability. Especially, when class start. They alway ask student to make their own question about mathematics of course, and after that the question will be done with other student. They will give us some suggestion to change our question if our question did not have answer. I like when we do this activity, because I always could do it. And I want to be a teacher because of him. I want be a smart teacher like him.

But I felt bad after, I studied in campus. I think if I am not smart. All of my friend could do anything, they are very smart. I hope that I can be like that. I knew why I cannot be like them because I never practice my knowledge after I graduated from senior high school 2 years ago. Now, I felt so difficult to understand any courses that I get in class. I always try to understand it but always just a little bit that could improve. Until this day, I always study and I hope I can got after them.

This is my little autobiography.

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