Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Welcome letter

Welcome to 10th grade Math!
Get ready for the greatness…..

Dear 10th grade members

I’m Himmatul ‘Aliyah, your Mathematics teacher during this year. It’s going to a straight forward in this 10th grade! There are some new materials that will be discussed during the whole semester. It seems to be hard and challenging for the first, but don’t worry about it, I will try my best so you can enjoy the challenges throughout the semesters. I have so many lesson planned to make your math career in this grade interesting and comprehensible. When you leave class this year, I expect you to understand many interesting and helpful ways that math is used daily and I expect you to be well prepared for this grade.

This year, my goals for students learning are to expand students’ understanding related with some materials such as Statistics and Probability, Trigonometry, and Calculus, increase problem solving skils and the last one apply knowledge to higher order thinking, which will in turn help students’ confidence in their math ability.

Every week, I will post homework and some materials related with the topic that will be discussed on my blog. I’m trying to be environment-friendly, that is why I minimize the use of paper. I know that the consequence is that you must connect with internet to get the materials and to look for your homework.  But again, this way was taken by several considerations. You need not wait until the next day to ask anything that you still don’t understand. Just post your comment or any question without any hesitation and you will get the answer soon after you post your comment.

I am so excited teaching you throughout this year and look forward to see you soon in math class. Wishing you all the best for this semester.

Best regards,
Mrs. Himmatul ‘Aliyah

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