Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Experiences about mathematic

I like Mathematics. I started to like mathematics when I was in the first grade of elementary school. I used to like mathematics because it was rigorous and there were not much facts to memorizes also we will find mathematics in everyday.
When Junior High School I attended a math Olympiads, but I have not been able to escape. Since then I am more like math. But my weakness, I do not like about problem solving because I difficult to interpret the problem solving.
When Senior High school, I still like Mathematics. I understand when my teacher explains the material; I can solve the mathematics problem. But when examination, there are some problem, I cannot solve it. Its make me disappointed. Even my mathematics teacher say that “ Septy, why your  score in the final examination not good?. It’s not like the class you can solve the problem was very good.” After that I thought, maybe when I was doing the examination, I was not carefully, I was nervous, I wanted to finish quickly.
I always collect the mathematics problem in my book.  Because I was thinking be a math teacher. And now I study in Sampoerna School of education (SSE) to be mathematics teacher. And now my book is useful for me.
But, now mathematics is difficult, not same like in secondary school, I must study hard to understand the material. I should learn calculus, statistic, geometry, abstract algebra, etc. And all of the material is very abstract. I must understand the concept. So I will study and study to be a good teacher and I must be master the material.
Last time, I think mathematics is many ways, one result. But now Mathematics is many ways and many results. And learning mathematics is not getting the result but applying the process to solve new problem. And make mathematics is real, not abstract and fun learning math


Septy Cartika Sari

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