Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Mathematics in My Mind
Mathematics is a monster for many people but some people think that mathematics is beautiful. In my opinion, mathematics become monster or beautiful think depends on the situation. I will tell you little bit about my journey with mathematics. As we know that, actually we have learned mathematics since we try to account numbers. I love mathematics until I was in Junior High School but in Senior High School, I hate mathematics. Mathematics like a monster for me, I thought that learn about mathematics just wasted my time.
When I was in Elementary School, mathematics become my favorite lesson, there is no reason to say that mathematics is a monster. My teachers taught me well, they can delivered the material with the enjoying methods and make me comfortable in mathematics class. I could understand the material well. Because of them, I got a good score for my UN in Elementary School.
In Junior High School, everything about mathematics runs well like when I was in Elementary School. Although mathematics lesson is more complex than mathematics in Elementary School, I could understand the concepts. My teachers in this grade also nice, they delivered the material clearly and easy to understand. In the other hand, in that time, I like mathematics lesson because of my teacher so handsome and funny. I never felt bored in his class. In this grade, I always got a good score for my exam and I could get a good score in my UN.
Finally, I had to entered new grade that called Senior High School. I would face mathematics course again. I optimized that I would be able to handle mathematics problem. Until the mathematics course begun, my teacher entered the classroom with his lovely laptop, introduces himself and started the class. I was shocked; he could not deliver material well. He just sat in front of his laptop and said “ok class, so this come this, do you understand?” and when his students did not understand and asked him to explain again, he just said: “ok, pay attention please, so this become this and this become this. Ok”.
I never imagined that I would meet with teacher like that. Since that time, I could not understand mathematics well. I was lazy to study mathematics. Because of my laziness, my knowledge of mathematics is lack. Finally, mathematics became a monster for me. I never got a good score anymore. I felt frustrated. In the middle of semester, I found mathematics private teacher to help me understand the concept. He could make me understand the material and I thought that mathematics is not monster for me.
In the grade X11, I got a new mathematics teacher. He is like a monster for me. He punished me to stand in front class during his class. He asked me do the exercise about integral of natural logarithmic and I could not answer his question. He was angry and punished me then. Although I asked him to me, he just said a word “stupid”.  All students in my cohort about this incident and I felt so ashamed. I thought that my mathematics teacher did not understand about his students’ feeling. Since that incident, I have a promise that I will be better in mathematics and show him that there are many way to teach mathematics without angry.
Because of my teacher, after graduated from Senior High School I wanted to enter ‘pure mathematics. However, in the fact, I failed and as we know that God have a plan to give me SSE. And how about mathematics for me? Honestly, I do not love mathematics but I know that mathematics is beautiful. There is no reason to hate the beautifulness of mathematics. 
Woro Retno Kris Sejati

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