Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

my mathematic story

I'm sorry my friends if my story is not interesting for you all. In here i just wanna share about my story about math when i was in senior high school. In tenth grade i very love mathematics. Because my teacher make mathematics is simply and what he explained can be easy to understand. He always to give me support to like mathematics, for my mathematics teacher when tenth grade like my parents because he is my spirit and he too make me to try to understand all mathematics subject . I'm still remember what he said, he said " mathematics is easy if you really try " and from then i always to try understand the all mathematics subject, and i always to do homework, assignment and do exercise. and the end semester i can have good score, 80 and it make me happy. but when i was eleventh grade, i felt mathematics is very difficult and boring, because my new teacher explained make we especially i to get confuse and sometimes i don't understand what he explained. but i always ask the help of my classmates who are more expert to teach me about the material that i have not understand and than i still get good score until i graduated from high school.

ratu bulkis

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