Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Math Autobiography

I am going to be Mathematics teacher. It has my dream since I started my first grade in Junior High school. My friend in Junior High School ever says that I choose to be mathematics teacher because I am smart in mathematics. Unfortunately, not because I am smart in mathematics but I like mathematics.

My first effort to learn mathematics is started when I was in Elementary School. In the first and second grade I always got high score in doing student work book.  Do you know why I can get the high score? Because I tried to solve it by me and when I have done to answered all question I checked it and compared with the key answer. I have the key answer for my student work book because my Mom is teacher in my school. In the third grade I thought I got the high score not because I expert in mathematics. Since that time I tried to answer all question without looking the key answers.  I want to proof that I can get the high score because my ability. Finally, in every examination I got the three highest ranks and at least got 80 for score mathematics. I did not find difficulties about material mathematics during in Elementary School.

In Junior High School I increasingly like mathematics especially in topic Algebra. It was because I like the way of my Mathematics teacher in teaching. My teacher in the seventh and ninth grade is same. Her method is explaining the material clearly and carefully. Also he always gave me a lot of exercise and homework. It was make me needed more time to practices and felt that Mathematics is not difficult. Practices made me know that I just needed to see the pattern or each problem. Beside that my teacher always pressure us and he always say that “you can do it”. He gave me support, so it was made me more like mathematics.

The most experience of learned mathematics in Junior High School is when my teacher gave me unpredictable quiz. Score for that quiz is 10 students who are faster in doing the task will get higher score but also the answer must correct. At that time I never got the lower score. I am to be the one of some students who called smart. Finally, I can proof that I be able doing the mathematics problem and more believe to become a Mathematics teacher.

After high school I hope I could be a master of mathematics in Senior High School. However the fact did not like my hope. There are some reason, first I knew that the material in Senior High School more difficult and complicated. The second, my mathematics teacher blamed that mathematics is difficult especially in Calculus like Derivative and Integral and it was gave me up. I almost thought that I cannot become Mathematics teacher. How I can teach my students if myself feel difficulty in understand the material.

The big support came from my mother. She always gives me support and believes I can reach my dream. Finally, I have chosen Sampoerna School of Education as my University. Now I am a student’s of SSE. In here I would make my dreams come true. Substantively in this university I passes new struggle. Beside I must try hard to learn of Mathematics content in English also to be mathematics teacher I must learn a lot of pedagogy and using English in teaching and learning process.

My way still need long time so my spirit must always smolder. I hope I will really to be a new generation of teacher and educator and I believe I will become Mathematics teacher.

Nurvika Putriyana

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