Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Autobiliography about Mathematics

By Arsyiyatul Alawiyah
This is my story about Math, when I was child I did not enter to kindergarten. I learned with my mother in my home. I learned about addition and multiplication. My mother was proud of me, because I could remember multiplication 1 until 3 when I was 6 years. Since that, I loved mathematics. In 2000, I was enter elementary school. I remembered when first grade my friends and I learned about addition and subtraction. It was easy for me and I always got good score for math subject.
Year by year, I learned well about math until four grade I did not have problem how to solve mathematics problems.  When five grade, my teacher choose me to followed mathematics competition regency level. In mathematics competition that most of the question I could not answered, it was very difficult for me. I thought it was never be explained by my teacher in my school. Finally, I lost in elimination stage. I thought I have done the best for that competition. Although I was lost, I was happy with participate in that competition because I have new friend. She is Ria. I talked more with her. From her story I knew that was in others school the teacher not only choose student but also taught intensively with the student. Unfortunately, I did not get the intensive study from my teacher I just learned by myself.
Time is flies. I was in Junior high school. I had new experience to adaptation with my new friends that was many student from others school. I learned more from my friend and my teacher about math. In junior high school I did not get interested story. But, when I was Senior high school I have a lot of story. I have a teacher who was inspired me in mathematics to be a teacher. He was very patient and easy going teacher. He was Mr. Nadio. Many student like him, because he was teach with fun learning, so all of the student enjoy to join his class. He always pushes his student to keep spirit and focus when has problem in doing mathematics problems. He said that mathematics is the real life subject, there was in other subject. He always gave many questions for drilling, because he said that for expert in math you must practice more and more. I remembered when twelve grade he gave the problem and said who could solve this problem they could pass in SIMAK UI because that was previous SIMAK UI question. Two years ago I am with Mr.Nadio, only one that I dislike from him. He gave interpretation for clever student and stupid student from math skill. Student who are not able in math he judge the student was stupid. In my opinion, not all students have same skill and intelligences. So, the student could be clever in different ways in what that they like. For me to good or expert in one subject, I have to like that subject.
In university my story it was different, when I took Mathematics major and that was Mathematics education. It is real math context, I learned more about math, about the formula that I just remembered when in the school. Now, I knew the history from what the formula came. With proving one by one, step by step. It took extra time for me to understand the meaning of math. It was because more difficult than when I am in senior high school. From now, I knew that mathematics is not only solve the problem and count the number but also proven and had the purpose to think logically. I have to improve my mathematics skills because I being a new generation of teacher. I hope later my student can like mathematics because mathematics is important thing, especially for student who afraid and scare with math. They have to understand that mathematics is useful for daily life.

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