Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

My Welcome Letters

Dear Math Students
          Welcome to the new semester. I hope everybody had a fantastic holiday. I am happy to be back and am ready for a great semester.
As all of you have known, my name is Eli Zulkatri. You can call me Sir El. In this new semester, I will be teaching you mathematics.
Mathematics is very important because mathematics is one of subjects that will be tested in national exam. You must be focus and practice a lot to improve your mathematics skill. For this semester we have some rules. First if you are late 15th minutes, you cannot join the class. Second, you are not allowed to use mobile phone in the class. You are not allowed to eat and make noise in the class.
During this semester, I will divide you into some group. If there is some homework or assignment you will do in groups.
I hope, each member of the group will support each other and enjoy in the learning for this semester.

Best Regards
Eli Zulkatri

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